When you receive a contract to enter a Retirement Village, it is important to obtain legal and financial advice.
The contracts tend to be many pages in length and not all that easy to understand because of the volume of information they contain. Furthermore, while all retirement villages essentially offer accommodation in a secure environment, there are many different structures of retirement villages available in Australia. This makes it difficult to truly understand your rights and obligations under the contract and this is where legal advice helps.
We can take the hard work out of understanding your contract for you and particularly help you understand the breakdown of costs and understanding your ongoing obligations and outgoing obligations. We can check that the contract meets legislative requirements and that you have been provided with all the information you need to make an informed choice.
In many ways, a Retirement Village contract is more complex that for example leasing a normal residential property or even buying a normal residential property because of the structuring of costs and because of the different types of tenure available for different types of retirement villages. In addition, because Retirement Villages are their own community, there are many rules in them about living in a community. These rules cover matters such as pets, vehicles, use of common facilities and so on. Finally, as persons entering Retirement Villages may in the long term develop health issues and mental issues that affect their ability to remain independent, it is important prospective residents understand what will happen to them if they lose the ability to live independently in the Retirement Village.
When you receive comprehensive legal advice, we cover all these aspects of the contract.

We charge a fixed fee for reviewing your Retirement Village Contract including provision of written legal advice and 45 minute follow up consultation.
$990.00 per contract