If you are helping a child or another relative secure a mortgage, the lender will require you to obtain independent financial advice and provide certificates to prove you have obtained this advice.
Charlotte Prinsloo has experience working mortgage debt recovery and forced sales and is consequently well placed to give you advice about your obligations under a guarantor loan or mortgage.
The documents you will be presented with by the lender are often lengthy documents and it can be difficult to understand your obligations under the mortgage contract.
We cut through the jargon to give you understandable and comprehensive advice about the risks of guaranteeing a mortgage or entering a mortgage are before you sign the bank contract.
We also provide and issue the required certificates your lending institution requires.
Please note that we do not sign any undertakings or acknowledgments other than the certificates. You should have undertakings and acknowledgments signed by an adult witness.
Fees and Disbursements
We offer a fixed fee service for provision of advice and required certificates to guarantors or persons seeking mortgage advice prior to entering into a property purchase.
Per advice - $700.00 plus GST plus cost of title search and sundries.
This includes:
Reading of all the documents your lender gives you
Written advice about those documents
A 45-minute follow-up consultation
Documents must be delivered to our office 48 hours prior to consultation and the full fee is payable in advance.
An urgency fee of an additional $220.00 applies if the turnaround time is less than 48 hours.
Sundry fees may apply for postage and printing.